Thursday, October 27, 2011

Star Driver

Just finished watching episode.

Yes I watch Japanese Anime. And what..

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Turkish Delights - Tale in the City 6-09-11

I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Istanbul. I had no expectations so I was only pleasantly pleased with all I had gotten to see and do as a tourist walking among the friendly locals.

The many Mosques are wonderful examples of old world architecture along with the tourist hordes and some can be reached during a self directed walking tour my friend and I were making as we walked across the bridges, watched the fishermen, and generally got a feel for the city as the locals would see it.

By the the third day we were switching between the tram, the oldest subway in the world (The funicular) and making our way to the Grand Bazaar. I have not had to deal with such a hard sell regarding buying a carpet that I did not want since someone tried to sell me a time-share. After that the hard sellers ran the gamut from the desperate to overly familiar (listening to you and parroting back to you the english words) I learned that the only friendly people in Istanbul will not be found while shopping inside the oldest covered market in the world.

On the whole the people are very friendly, helpful, and smiling while not treating the new person in town as a curiosity. Only the late night club pitch men and the waiters for the empty restaurants trying to entice you in can draw any kind of negative feedback from one such as myself. When I need help I will call you over. Not before, and not when its not needed.

Favorite Moments so far:

“There is a dog on the dance floor, really an actual dog. He wants me to put him but I don’t want dog hair on my sneakers. I hope the decibel of the music doesn’t make the poor thing deaf.”

“All the coolest conversations start in the smoking section.”

“No means No, It does not mean keep asking me until I change my mind. That’s not going to happen.”

“They play some fierce beats at the McDonalds”

Things to Know

Every transfer on the train or tram costs One Token

Do bring extra money.. No one ever frowns on American Dollars. But the ATM at the right time of day (morning) is your friend

Most of the sights are within walking distance of one another.

Cross the street at the crosswalk.

Plan to wake up early to do any of the tours or tour buses

Don’t go to the bazaar unless you know what you want and how to avoid eye contact (and say No or “Haier” as often as possible)

Do eat the ice cream

Do have a kebab but as a wrap and not in the bread

If walking down the Istiklal Caddesi (Independence Street) check out the food court in the mall for more familiar fast food options.

Do see the man selling the dancing dolls on the same side of the street as the mall, You will laugh and smile.

Do take a 1.75 YTL (Turkish Lira) ride on the ferry across the Bosphorus so you can say you have walked in Asia.

Do not ask a drag queen for directions at night, you may draw attention from the police. (For some strange reason)

Do not go home with anyone without knowing what you are getting into. People who expect you to pay for everything, including hotels, or rides half-way across town is not fun when you find out at the last minute..

Monday, April 04, 2011

4-3-11 - Adventures in Babysitting. No adventures - Just Babysitting.

Today as I babysit my niece and nephew I just smiled as I made my breakfast. Then I actually wondered for a long moment, why even though the fact that I had not lived in the same house as them for years, my sisters would think I am good enough to watch their kids in their absence. Both of them have finely tuned Mommy senses that would pick up on shadiness or wildness two blocks away. As most people all know.. Not just anybody should be watching kids.
It’s sad but it’s true.

And it does help that the kids are in the next room watching cartoons. With me popping in at random moments if they get too quiet or too loud.

I had an interesting epiphany.. While was eating my over easy egg and fried ham.

I am a nice person. But anybody can seem nice. Some can play the role like they were born to it to get something they want. But I like being nice. I like being seen as a force for good and not evil (maybe it’s the japanese anime in me)

I actually like kids, especially other peoples kids when you can give them back because there will be a time-limit. And that is always a good thing. (I won’t discuss godparents because I’m not one unless the real ones are gone for some reason so that level of change need not be discussed)

I have a lot in common with kids. I was one once. I play video games. I watch a lot of cartoons. So when I do talk to kids we have plenty to talk about.

I don’t mind teaching. I tell people what they should be doing all the time. Not in a bossy way but in a way that actually makes them understand that I am trying to help them. I usually make them laugh and they do what I tell them to do because they actually should be doing it that way. Straight Talk. Kids appreciate that.

And then I said it, to myself (and to the interwebs because that’s what a blog is)
Being a not straight person has that advantage.

Being attracted to Adults means I’m not a danger to other peoples little boys. I just like telling them to get off the floor and clean up after themselves. And being attracted to Adults means I’m not a danger to other peoples little girls. I just like telling them when they haven’t washed their hands or they are being too loud.

I guess this is why most day care ladies are day care ladies. I don’t really know of any day care guys. It is a cool thing that now in the 00’s that people are finally catching onto the idea of “Manny’s” and not just Nanny’s.

So I just sit back and smile (and type) as I sit in my living room playing Pokemon Black (while my niece is in the the other room playing Pokemon White) and know that someday I might just be ready to have kids of my own.

Something to look forward to is always a good thing.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The times they do change.. I will change too.. for the better..

I have had an interesting year. I didn't travel much but I saw a lot and met a lot of nice people. I've made new friends and kept some old ones.  A lot of changes but some things left just the same.

I've tried making the best preparations I can so now I just have to follow through. Music wise, I have the software, the hardware, friends who know how to use it, and more friends that I want to hear the beats and sounds. Story wise, I have the imagination, the stories, and the desire to get those stories read by friends and let others see the worlds I have imagined.

My sisters have helped me focus on my writing and liked the music as well. I have helped my sister with her writing projects and my other sister with her learning focus too.

My friends have been pushing me forward as well telling me that I should pay attention to the music and get more comfortable letting people enjoy the music I play.

So much left to do. So I guess I have to start doing it.

More writing, still making and mixing music and still spending time with friends and family. All good things. Good things that will continue on into the next year. I will make sure of it.

Thanks friends for being there through the year. I am looking forward to the next one even more.

Always friends and fun times at
Gym G Lounge Splash

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

11-03-10 - The end of the beginning - means you’re in the middle..

A year later and my own “event” has passed and I seem to have made it through. Emotions no longer run as high and the hours no longer take as long to pass. I can remember the days as if they were yesterday. The times when I was referred to as part of a duo and not just as a solo act. I think I reveled in that fact and relaxed backwards, letting myself just drift. The individual days meant nothing because the whole of the thing was just so good. I always had plenty of time, time to relax, time to breathe, time to consider what my next goal would be without having to settle on any one thing.

Then the other half was gone.  The public entity that existed was no more.  I was a single, not a double and I suddenly had people acting as if I was a broken thing. People who I had seen so much of before suddenly viewed me as someone to keep at a distance. Through no fault of my own I was forgotten. Just by some that is, but thankfully I did have more than a few friends and thankfully the rest stepped in and filled the friend void.

For a while I thought I could continue everything like it was, because some of the best parts of my life were spent out and about, with friends, seeing and doing new things. But now I had no one to come back to and talk about it with. No one to compare and contrast, no one to create shared moments that could be contrasted with the moments alone and reveled in. No more plans to make, just the final plans that were already made that had to be lived through alone.

I didn’t want to talk about my feelings but knew I would eventually. For friends that asked I told them exactly what happened how it was that I went from couple to single in five days. I told them how I was as good as can be expected but in my own reality was much worse. I was damaged with far more stress in my recent memory than I think I deserved. Everything else I could handle but this final disruption I could not take and go on as before. For the benefit of everyone on the outside looking in I tried to be the most giving of myself and providing of a good time as I could. But the reserves of this goodwill are not infinite, The heart of the party can beat only so much without blood of life for itself.

Now I know my focus must be on new things but some things are hard to leave behind. Especially when I remember so many good times that just happen to have occurred during those times when I existed as part of a couple. I am no longer that person. So now in finding my new self I have to put even more energy into it. What was good enough for before is no longer the best I can be. Now I have to be even more, for my family, for my friends and not try and replicate that which was already done. Goals I have let myself put far into the future I must now own up to and make them real, real now, not next month, not next year, but now. Now is the the start of that next phase. Someday is Today. Someday is Tonight.

Do something today I can be proud of... Something for me.

I will try my best.

Thanks to the places where my crew runs through:
G Lounge

Friday, September 17, 2010

9-17-10 - I Believe

I Believe...

When all has turned to dark and the path looks too shady
When nothing is too sure and all advice points to maybe
Do not start to despair and do not give in to fear
Though all around you negative is what you seem to hear

From deep within and all around the energy does swirl
From skies above to deepest earth in all parts of the world
There are the ones that know the best is still yet to be done
In different states and separate fates the best is still to come

Do not despair and dwell on those who try to break you down
Despite their fears and desperate airs you still can get the crown
No matter darkest day or night, No rivals will there be
To reign on Yours is brightest light, because I do believe.

Your square is fit, Your corner lit, there is no true surprise
Just turn your face, and in that place will be there for your eyes
Just what you need, for true indeed, just waiting patiently..
Because I’ll be, right there for thee, because yes, I believe

In You always, in your corner, in your face..
If you need me in that place
For no other function,
Than you need me. I Believe. In You.